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InFormEnter+ InFormEnter+
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If you have skipped InFormEnter 0.771 version which converts old XUL data to WebExtension format, you can restore old data yourself. You need:
  1. Open prefs.js file from Firefox profile folder
  2. Find string like user_pref("InFormEnter.1.MenuSet" for first profile, user_pref("InFormEnter.2.MenuSet" for second profile, etc
  3. Convert these lines one at a time

Convertor for old profiles strings

Insert here one string like user_pref("InFormEnter.1.MenuSet", "20%0A...%0A30");

P.S. This converter is written in Javascript and no profile information is sent anywhere. You can verify this by opening the source code of the page. If you want to be 100% ensured that your data is safe, download a copy of this page and use it without internet connection.